Thursday, October 30, 2008

from Russia

Things you didn't realize that you observe at OU:
(ie, things I am not observing in Russia, and wishing I could observe)

- toilet seats on public toilets
- more than 10 hours straight without rain
- wifi that actually works
- somewhere to plug a computer in when wifi is finally found
- something besides soup to eat
- customer service, i.e. politeness
- riding in a car every once in a while (I only ever ride the metro or walk). Oh, or driving a car.
- having something to do

that's all I can think of right now.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I don't really know if this is an observation, I guess it is. Have you even noticed when you comment on a blog or are buying tickets from ticketmaster or something along those lines you have to enter in the random assortment of letters to make sure that you aren't a robot or something. Crazy. Well, I always wonder what if we made those letters words!?! I realize that this is not an original thought, but some of the definitions for the words are. I can't really think of any off the top of my head, but I just thought I would share that with you guys. Those "words" should be words, numbers and all. Yay for not making any sense!

Friday, October 24, 2008

This is the "first page"... of the "brochure".....

Welcome fellow bloggers who have been chosen to participate in our observations of the esteemed, and sometimes unusual campus (University of Oklahoma) we dwell in. This will be an interactive endeavor to document our time here at the University of we can tell our grandkids! There are some Rules and Regulations to adhere to whilst ensuing our fun and outlandish observations on campus.
Said Rules and Regulations:
1) Observe. Observe things, situations, people that would not be considered everyday occurrences. For example, today I noticed about 40 kindergartners strolling merrily along the South Oval. Regular occurrence on our campus? I think not.
2) Explain.Explain your feelings or opinion upon seeing your observation. For example:
DO NOT type- "A naked man ran into the Union today while I was eating curds."
DO type- "Whilst sitting down to enjoy my daily portion of curds, I was shocked and appalled by the sudden appearance of a rather pale skinny NAKED man running through the Union."
The more, the better.
3) Evidence. If it is possible to substantiate your observation with a picture of sorts it would be kindly appreciated. You might have to alter your daily routine of getting ready...for example if you get ready in 5 seconds then take 2 more seconds to grab your handy camera and put it in your back pack to help you uncover the hidden world of observations.
4) Frequency. Although your observatory motors will be running throughout the day as you become more aware of this hidden world, this doesn't mean that you must blog about every experience you encounter. But, don't let that statement make you a stranger to this blog. We value your observations. We don't want to see you fade away in the distance. With each observation made you bring a new light to our views of the campus and together we can uncover the "real" OU.
5) Familiarity. So other readers are aware of the author of each blog simply sign your name at the bottom of your post. And then we will know.

We've created an easy acronym that is a simple statement for you to remember these rules by. O.E.E.F.F. (pronounced Oooh, eph!)

Alas, the thought just dawned on us.....This is actually a multi-purpose blog that you really can post anything on!!! YouTube vidoes, pictures, just whatever you're thinking about!

Happy Blogging!

*Technical note. This is by no means an exclusive blog! If you feel like you can enlighten the members of this blog and the rest of the blogsphere in some creative way, please email an existing member. Also, a note to members-- if you do decide to allow new members, make their membership known in your latest post.
*Other note. This blog welcomes observations made on other campuses. By the way,Anna just bit me.

Once again, Happy Blogging.
Blogging---it's ballin',

Julie, Anna, and Lindsey