As some of you know... "The Caf" has been redone! It is a fantastic thing that has happened on our campus! Before, I found myself wandering aimlessly trying to find a place to eat other than the caf. Now I embrace it with a warm, but usually empty, tummy. I have also found that most of the reason why I didn't partake in the caf as MUCH last semester was due to the staunch environment surrounding it. I don't live in the Towers, so I'm not used to the busy, get-out-of-my-way-or-I-will-probably-kill-you-with-one-glance atmosphere. I am used to a calm, independent vibe. So going to the caf was stressful. Plus, who decided to paint the walls white anyway? That's just gross. But NOW the caf is refurnished with colors, dark wood, and black plastic chairs... and dare I even say it... booths of a grandiose size. There's also a lovely stir-fry place (I like the Teriyaki sauce).I find myself wanting to go there...I think I will. Text me if you ever want to go to this lovely place... I may even pay your way in. But really, it depends on who you are.

How much does the "atmosphere" of a restaurant matter to you? Which place on campus do you eat the most? (If you eat on campus at all)