Monday, November 24, 2008

The Conundrum That Is...Puppies..?

Dear Observer,

Do you you ever wonder what animals do when you aren't around? (That's weird phrasing). We'll go with a different idea-----> There are a lot of animals here at OU. It is a lovely thing to be walking down the South Oval and almost trip over a squirrel, or freak out when a huge black dog followed by a small white, fluffy dog comes barreling towards you. Although I would love to analyze either OU squirrels or the random two dogs one sees over and over, this post isn't about that. This post is about the lack of animal involvement here at OU. As an inhabitant of the dorms, I feel like I am lacking a certain bond with fuzzy creatures that I desperately need. I know many of us reminisce about our furry critters at home with loving thoughts and longing for home...It is a sad journey we have traveled far from them. : (
I have found the bizarre solution! There is this site that has live, and I mean LIVE, feed of a litter of puppies! I'm not sure exactly what kind they are, but they are cute, and they are fun to watch...for...a few a time...
Here it is! A pet without having to feed it, take it outside to potty, or hear it bark!
[Actually, I just wanted to share this site with everyone because I think it is so strange, and I had to find a way to tie it into an observation at OU.]

Revision:::/// After reading Thomas' quote, some of you might be thinking..."Whaaaaaat?" Well, if you want to see this said ugliest dog in the world, click the link below. Be careful. This dog ruins relationships and lives just by looking at it.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

for a second I thought I would see the ugliest dog in the world. phew.